import ohjava.*; public class p1 { public static void main (String args[]) { float yardLength, yardWidth, houseLength, houseWidth, grassArea, time; String userInput; SimpleIO.prompt("Enter length of yard (in yards): "); userInput = SimpleIO.readLine(); yardLength = Convert.toFloat(userInput); SimpleIO.prompt("Enter width of yard (in yards): "); userInput = SimpleIO.readLine(); yardWidth = Convert.toFloat(userInput); SimpleIO.prompt("Enter length of house (in yards): "); userInput = SimpleIO.readLine(); houseLength = Convert.toFloat(userInput); SimpleIO.prompt("Enter width of house (in yards): "); userInput = SimpleIO.readLine(); houseWidth = Convert.toFloat(userInput); grassArea = (0.91f * yardLength * 0.91f * yardWidth) - (0.91f * houseLength * 0.91f * houseWidth); time = grassArea / (2.3f * 60); System.out.print("Time required to cut the grass is: "); System.out.print(Math.ceil(time)); System.out.println(" minutes"); } }