Honors CSC 1302, Principles of Computer Science II (Lab), Spring 2025, Syllabus
Class Details
Lab Time: Wednesday 1.00 to 2.40
Location: 55 Park Place Room 262
Instructor: Dr. Raj Sunderraman
Office: 1 Park Place, Suite 629
Office Hrs: Tuesday/Thursday 1.00 to 2.30 PM, Saturday 1.00 to 2.30 on WebEx. If you cannot make it at any of these times, please email.
E-mail: raj at gsu dot edu
Lab Overview
We will complete 6 programming projects during the course of the semester.
These will reinforce concepts learned in the lecture.
The grading will be based on the following components from the lab and lecture parts:
- LAB Part (30%): 6 Programming Projects - assigned by Dr. Sunderraman
- LECTURE Part (70%):
- Exams (Exam 1 10%, Exam 2 10%, Exam 3 20%) - Assigned by Dr. Bingyi Xie
- In-class Activities (Attendance, worth 5% and 3 Pop-quizzes worth 3%) - Assigned by Dr. Bingyi Xie
- Programming assignments/homework 2 out of 6 worth 6% - Assigned by Dr. Bingyi Xie
- 2 in-lab exams, worth 16% - Assigned by Dr. Bingyi Xie
Late Submission Policy:
Submissions will be open 1 week beyond the deadline. Late penalty of 20% will be assessed
on submissions during this period.
Tinman Server Security:
The password for your account on the tinman server MUST be changed to a secure one.
Your accounts will be locked if the password is not secured within one week of the
start of the semester.
Academic Honesty Policy:
All programming assignments must be original work of the student.
Copying of code from the internet, AI, or from
other sources is strictly prohibited. If the work is determined to be plagiarized, a 0 will
be awarded for the assignment.
Determination of plagiarism will be made by the instructor.
No outside help is permitted.
Attendance Etc.
Daily attendance is strongly encouraged.
Any student missing a lesson is responsible for all material
assigned or covered in class during his or her absence.
Other Disruptive classroom behavior will not be tolerated.
See the student catalog for more information.
Class participation is strongly encouraged,
please ask questions, make comments.
This syllabus represents a general plan for the course and deviations from
this plan may be necessary during the duration of the course.