Programming Assignment 4 (Rename, Times, Project, Select, and Join)
Complete the implementations of the RENAME, TIMES, PROJECT, SELECT, and JOIN relational
algebra operations. Use the driver files for testing.
The method signatures and pseudo-code are given below:
## ( Rename Operator: ## The rename method takes as parameter a list of new column names, cnames, ## and returns a new relation object that contains the same set of tuples, but with ## new columns names. We can assume that the size of cnames is same as size of self.attributes def rename(self,cnames): Copy all column names from cnames and domains from self.attributes into new_attrs Construct new Relation object, rel using new_attrs (you may leave rname blank) for each tuple in self.table: clone the tuple and add to rel.table return rel
## ( ## This method combines two tuples into one and assigns a new schema to the ## result tuple; the method returns the new tuple ## e.g. t1 = <"jones",20,200> on attrs1 = [("A","VARCHAR"),("B","INTEGER"),("C","INTEGER")] and ## t2 = <1,2,2.5> on attr2 = [("B","INTEGER"),("C","INTEGER"),("D","DECIMAL")] ## then t1.concatenate(t2,attr) will be <"jones",20,200,1,2,2.5> on given attr = ## [("A","VARCHAR"),("R1.B","INTEGER"),("R1.C","INTEGER"),("R2.B","INTEGER"),("R2.C","INTEGER"),("D","DECIMAL")] def concatenate(self, t, attr): Construct new Tuple object, tup, on schema attr for each component in the "self" tuple: add the component to tup for each component in the Tuple t: add the component to tup return tup ## ( Times Operator: ## The times method returns the cartesian product of two relations. ## As an example, let R1 and R2 be the following two relations: ## R1(A:VARCHAR, B:INTEGER, C:INTEGER) and R2(B:INTEGER, C:INTEGER, D:DECIMAL) ## and let R1 contain the tuples {<"jones",20,200>, <"smith",30,300>} and ## let R2 contain the tuples {<1,2,2.5>, <100,200,3.86>} ## The R1 times R2 would have the schema ## R1_TIMES_R2(A:VARCHAR, R1.B:INTEGER, R1.C:INTEGER, R2.B:INTEGER, R2.C:INTEGER, D:DECIMAL) ## and the tuples: {<"jones",20,200,1,2,2.5>, <"jones",20,200,100,200,3.86>, ## <"smith",30,300,1,2,2.5>, <"smith",30,300,100,200,3.86>} ## Notice the tuples in the output are formed by combining tuples in the ## input relations in all possible ways, maintaining the order of columns def times(self,r2): Construct new empty attrs Copy all column names and domains from self.attributes to attrs, renaming any attribute that also appears in r2.attributes Copy all column names and domains from r2.attributes to attrs, renaming any attribute that also appears in self.attributes Construct new Relation object, rel Using nested for-loops, get tuple t1 from self.table and t2 from r2.table and concatenate t1 and t2 using the method written earlier; Add the concatenated tuple to rel return rel
## ( ## This method takes as input a list of column names, each of which ## belongs to self.attributes, and returns a new tuple with only those ## components that correspond to the column names in cnames. def project(self,cnames): Create attrs with cnames and corresponding domains Create a new Tuple object, tup for each column name in cnames: add corresponding component of self.tuple to tup return tup ## ( Project Operator: ## This methods takes as input a list of column names, each of which ## belonging to self.attributes, and returns a relation whose tuples are ## formed by projecting the columns from cnames. ## Example: R(A:INTEGER, B:INTEGER, C:DECIMAL) with tuples ## {(10,20,3.5),(11,22,7.8),(10,25,3.5)} ## Then, with cnames = ["A","C"], the output relation should ## have schema (A:INTEGER, C:DECIMAL) and tuples ## {(10,3.5),(11,7.8)} ## Note that after projection one may get duplicate tuples, which should ## be removed. def project(self,cnames): Create new attrs from cnames and corresponding domains Create a new Relation object, rel for each tuple in self.table: call the project() method of Tuple class and get a new tuple add the new tuple to rel Remove duplicates from rel return rel
# ( # This method takes a comparison condition in the 5 parameters and # returns True if the tuple satisfies the condition and False otherwise. # # The comparison condition is coded in the 5 parameters as follows: # # lopType/ropType can take one of three values: "col", "num", "str" # indicating that the operand is either a name of a column, or a number, # or a string respectively. # # lopValue/ropValue will contain the name of the column if the lopType/ropType # is "col" and will contain a numeric value if lopType/ropType is "num" and # will contain a string value if lopType/ropType is "str". # # comparison will have one of six values: "< "<=","=",">",">=", or "<>" # # As an example, if we want to express the comparison, SNAME = "Jones", the 5 parameters will be: # lopType="col", lopValue="SNAME", comparison="=", ropType="str", ropValue="Jones" # # As another example, if we want to express the condition GPA > 3.0, the 5 parameters will be: # lopType="col", lopValue="GPA", comparison=">", ropType="num", ropValue="3.0" # def select(self,lopType,lopValue,comparison,ropType,ropValue): # Top level cases to consider: # # lopType="num" and ropType="num" # lopType="str" and ropType="str" # lopType="col" and ropType="num" # lopType="col" and ropType="str" # lopType="num" and ropType="col" # lopType="str" and ropType="col" # lopType="col" and ropType="col" pass # ( Select Operator: # This method takes as input a comparison condition as explained earlier and returns # a new relation that contains only those tuples that satisfies the comparison condition. def select(self,lopType,lopValue,comparison,ropType,ropValue): pass
## ( ## This method attempts to construct a "joined" tuple out of this.tuple and t2.tuple ## If the two tuples can join, the joined tuple is returned; otherwise None is returned. ## Let ENROLL(SID:INTEGER,SNAME:VARCHAR,PHONE:INTEGER,MAJOR:VARCHAR,GPA:DECIMAL) ## and STUDENT(SID:INTEGER,COURSE:VARCHAR,GRADE:VARCHAR) ## let this.tuple = 1111:Robert Adams:1234:Computer Science:4.0: ## and t2.tuple = 1111:Database Systems:A: ## Then, joined tuple will be: 1111:Robert Adams:1234:Computer Science:4.0:Database Systems:A: ## As another example, ## let this.tuple = 1111:Robert Adams:1234:Computer Science:4.0: ## and t2.tuple = 1114:Database Systems:B: ## These two tuples do not join because in the first tuple SID=1111 and in the second ## tuple SID=1114; So, the result should be None def join(self,t2): ## collect information about "common" attributes and their positions in the respective lists. ## Verify if the two tuples can join; if not return None ## If tuples can join then produce the joined tuple and return it. pass ## ( Join Operator: ## The join operator combines two relations into one based on common columns in the two relations ## The schema of the join relation contains all columns of the first relation followed by all columns ## of the second relation, somewhat like the times operator, except that the common columns appear only ## once in the join relation (keep first occurrence) ## Two tuples join with each other only if they have the same values under the common columns. def join(self,r2): ## Construct empty attrs ## copy all attributes and corresponding domains from this.attributess to attrs ## copy attributes and corresponding domains from r2.attributes only if they do not appear ## in this.attributes ## Construct new relation object, rel ## Using nested for loops obtain cloned tuple t1 from this.table and cloned tuple t2 from r2.table ## and try to join these two tuples; if result is not None, add to rel ## return rel pass
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