CSc 1302, Spring 2025, Handin Instructions
To submit your programs, you will perform the following two steps:- STEP 1:
Transfer your files from you local computer/laptop to your account on
the server.
To transfer your files from your local computer to your account on the server perform the following steps:
Open a Terminal/Powershell Window. cd into the folder containing the files you want to submit. Then, type the following command (replace userid with your campusid):
you will be asked for your password; type it in (you may have to say "yes" to a question before password). once you see the sftp prompt, transfer the file as follows:put
Then, make sure you exit the sftp program:exit
- STEP 2:
On the Terminal or Powershell window on your local computer/laptop,
you will connect to the server using the following command:
You will be prompted for your account's password on tinman server, which you should provide. You should navigate (cd) to the proper folder on the server within your home directory containing the program files that were transferred in Step 1. From here, you can submit all files using the following command:sudo handin1302 1 file3.pdf file4.txt
This will prompt you for your tinman password. You should see one SUCCESS message for each file you submit. Resubmissions are allowed under the same file name and the handin script will ask you whether you want to overwrite the old submission file.
NOTE: The 1 in the command refers to the assignment number. For assignment 2, this should be 2, and so on.
You may use the following command to "view" all your submissions for a particular assignment on the server:
$ sudo handin1302 -list 1where the 1 in the command is the assignment number. This can be replaced by other assignment numbers.