Csc 1302, Honors Principles of Computer Science II (Fall 2021)
Week 9-14 (22 October 2021 to end of semester)
Relational Algebra Query Interpreter
For the rest of the semester you will build a Relational Algebra Query Interpreter using ANTLR4. Here is the grammar for Relational Algebra Queries:query : expr SEMI expr : factor UNION expr | factor MINUS expr | factor INTERSECT expr | factor factor : term TIMES expr | term JOIN expr | term term : NAME | PROJECT LBRACKET alist RBRACKET LPAREN expr RPAREN | RENAME LBRACKET alist RBRACKET LPAREN expr RPAREN | SELECT LBRACKET condition RBRACKET LPAREN expr RPAREN | LPAREN expr RPAREN alist : NAME | alist COMMA NAME condition : simplecondition | condition AND simplecondition simplecondition : operand COMPARISON operand operand : NAME | STRING | NUMBER fragment VALID_NAME_START : ('a'..'z') | ('A'..'Z'); fragment VALID_NAME_CHAR : VALID_NAME_START | ('0'..'9') | '_'; LBRACKET : '['; RBRACKET : ']'; LPAREN : '('; RPAREN : ')'; SEMI : ';'; COMMA : ','; UNION : 'UNION' | 'union'; MINUS : 'MINUS' | 'minus'; INTERSECT : 'INTERSECT' | 'intersect'; TIMES : 'TIMES' | 'times'; JOIN : 'JOIN' | 'join'; PROJECT : 'PROJECT' | 'project'; SELECT : 'SELECT' | 'select'; RENAME : 'RENAME' | 'rename'; AND : 'AND' | 'and'; NUMBER : ('0'..'9')+ | ('0'..'9')* '.' ('0'..'9')+; STRING : '\'' (~[\r\n'] | '\'\'')* '\''; COMPARISON : '< | '< | '>' | '>=' | '=' | '<>'; NAME : VALID_NAME_START VALID_NAME_CHAR*; WS : [ \r\n\t]+ -> skip;
Download the files and implement the following 3 methods in
public String semanticCheckAndSetSchemaAndDataTypes(Database db) { // Task 1: check for semantic errors; if error return error message // otherwise return "OK" // Task 2: set values for the following three variables: // public ArrayListjoinColumns; // used to remember JOIN columns // public ArrayList<String> schemaColumns; // public ArrayList<String> schemaDataTypes; } public void setRelationNames(AtomicInteger globalInt) { // set unique relation names for every interior node in the tree // public String relationName; // used to name interior nodes with tempN; relation name at leaf } public Relation evaluate(Database db) { // evaluate and return relation object for node }