CSC 1301, Principles of Computer Science I Honors Lab (Fall 2022)

Course Materials

Week 14: December 2nd (No Class)

Jupyter Notebooks
In case you have some free time during the winter holidays (-:

Week 13: November 18th (Classes and Objects)

Jupyter Notebooks
Extra Credit Programming Assignment 7 (Match Game) (Due: 4 December, 2022)

Week 12: November 11th (Classes and Objects)

Jupyter Notebooks
Programming Assignment 6 (Automobile Gas Analysis) (Due: 4 December, 2022)

Week 11: November 4th (Classes and Objects)

Jupyter Notebooks

Week 10: October 28th (Classes and Objects)

Jupyter Notebooks
Programming Assignment 5 (Student Database) (Due: 13 November, 2022)

Week 9: October 21st (Classes and Objects)

Jupyter Notebooks

Week 8: October 14th (TM Example)

TM Diagram and sample Run

Week 7: October 7th (Dictionary Data Structure)

Jupyter Notebooks
Programming Assignment 4 (Turing Machine Simulator) (Due: 30 October, 2022)

Week 6: September 30th (More Practice on "Accumulator" Pattern)

Jupyter Notebooks
Hints for Programming Assignment 3 (Cipher)

Week 5: September 23rd (More Practice on "Accumulator" Pattern)

Jupyter Notebooks
Programming Assignment 3 (Cipher) (Due: 9 October, 2022)

Week 4: September 16th (Python Basics continued)

Jupyter Notebooks
Hints for Assignment 2

Week 3: September 9th (Python Basics continued)

Jupyter Notebooks
Programming Assignment 2 (Vote) (Due: 25 September, 2022)

Week 2: September 2nd (Python Basics continued)

Jupyter Notebooks
Hints for Assignment 1

Week 1: August 26th (Python Basics)

Jupyter Notebooks
Programming Assignment 1 (Calendar) (Due: 11 September, 2022)